Monday, April 6, 2009

Warm up:

2x run 400,
15 push-ups
10 pull-ups,

Skill of the week: Powerclean

WOD: Tabata Squats

Abmat sit ups

Mike Pommerening (of CrossFit Gotham) prepares to powerclean at the Basic Barbell Certification held at CrossFit Milford recently.
CrossFit likes to talk about power output a lot. Thus the formula Weight x Distance/Time=Power. At CrossFit, we want to move large loads long distance quickly. This goal influences both our choice of movements and the manner in which we perform them. As we all know, multi-joint functional movements are our desired exercises. A heavy deadlift moves a much greater weight a further distance than a curl or a pushup. Therefore the deadlift has a much greater power output. So does a squat or a thruster or a muscle up. Power output is why the kipping pullup reigns over the deadhang pullup.
Power output is the reason WODs like Grace will prepare one for Fran or Diane, or a fight or a fire or bursting into a sprint when you see your car about to get ticketed, better than a WOD like the Filthy Fifty.
Have some fun with the formula WxD/T=P. Fool around with it a bit. Learning the scientific underpinnings of CrossFit will only broaden your understanding of programming and movement.

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